Today we are going to continue our discussion on General Anxiety Disorder (GAD ) – its causes and what you need to know about the most popular forms of treatment for this condition.
Currently there is no known cause for GAD. But there are a number of suspected causes.
[flashvideo file= image= width=500 height=305 /]Let’s take a closer look at four potential causes.
Patients often begin to worry about their own mortality, the implications on their family and the funding future treatment in some instances.
Regarding the most popular forms of treatment for this condition which is medication, you need to know that there are over 100 different side-effects associated with the top 5 anti-anxiety medications alone!
Even though these are sometimes necessary, you need to be aware of side-effects such as depression, suicidal thoughts, confusion, hyperactivity, hostile behavior, hallucinations and chest pains just to name a few.
You can easily research the side-effects of any medication you or someone you care about is taking on the internet.
Next time we are going to start learning about natural treatment options for GAD but in the meantime if you have any questions about this topic or any other health concerns you or your family may have, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
Remember that consultations are always free of charge and family appointments are always available because spinal problems and subluxations tend to run in families.
Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE (5433).
Life Chiropractic… helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives for over 25 years in Burlington.
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