High Blood Pressure
And Neck Pain
Misalignment of the 1st or 2nd vertebrae right at the top of your neck (upper cervical subluxation) can cause disturbance of the most important part of your nerve system called the brain stem.
The brain stem is responsible for many life-sustaining functions such as respiration, coordination, blood pressure and heart rate just to name a few.
Most of us do have misalignments here but how would you know if you do?
One way to know is if you are suffering from headaches, neck pain, dizziness, balance problems, high blood pressure, blood pressure swings, heart palpitations and arrhythmias.
Do any of these sound familiar?
Are you struggling to find a solution for any such issues?
Because I have helped many, many people with these kinds of problems and I may be able to help you too.
To find out how, please call us at 905 335 LIFE (5433) to schedule an appointment for your free initial consultation.
Or you can schedule your appointment by clicking on the link below.This could be the first step to getting you back on the road to better health!
The phone number to call is 905 335 LIFE (5433).Or you can click the on this link (www.mobilefd.ca/d/8880) to schedule an appointment online at your convenience.