Dr Brad Ivanchuk is a Burlington, Ontario chiropractor and is founder and owner of Life Chiropractic Centre on Guelph Line in the Beacon Hill Plaza.
He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science degree in biology and psychology, and the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 1986.
He is also a canfitpro certified Personal Training Specialist and a Certified Posture Expert with the American Posture Institute.
Life Chiropractic Centre is a family chiropractic and postural correction facility.
[flashvideo file=http://lifechiropractic.s3.amazonaws.com/11.15.2016.digital.dementia.bi-1.m4v image=https://lifechiropracticcentre.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/digital.dementia.jpg width=500 height=305 /]Today we learn about a new and very concerning condition called digital dementia.
New research now tells us that children, teenagers and young adults who are sedentary (minimal physical exercise) are presenting with declines in brain function.
Prolonged sitting we already know causes tech neck.
Recall that this is forward head posture with forward rounding of the shoulders and humping of the upper back.
But, prolonged sitting is now affecting how our brains function.
Digital Dementia is degenerating brain function due to sensory dis-association from sitting in a sedentary posture with very little movement accompanied with an overwhelming amount of visual and auditory stimuli from technology such as computers, i-pads, tablets, video games, cell phones and television.
In other words, there is a huge mismatch in the sensory information the brain is actually getting versus the information the brain should be getting.
And this is leading to a form of dementia or loss of intellectual function.
Next time I am going to give you some practical tips on how to minimize the effects of digital dementia in your household, especially for your children.
In the meantime, if you have any questions on this topic or any other health concerns you may have or your kids may have, please call me. Remember that consultations
and posture checks in our office are always free of charge and we also offer family appointments were I can check all of your kids at the same time.
And the reason we offer this is because spinal problems and posture distortion patterns tend to run in families.
Our phone number here in Burlington is 905 335 LIFE (5433) or you can email me directly by clicking on the link on our home page.
And remember that good posture is always by design and never by circumstance.
Life Chiropractic Centre … helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives for over 25 years in Burlington.
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