Heart Disease And Posture

“Proper Posture Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease”

Proper Posture Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease Burlington
Today I would like to discuss heart disease because my concern is that heart disease is now the 3rd leading cause of death in Canada.

70000 Canadians die every year due to heart disease and more than half of these right here in the province of Ontario.

You do not get heart disease because you have bad luck. Lack of exercise, a poor diet and smoking do not do you any favors either.

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This has been proven time and time again.

The biggest causative factor however in my opinion, is your spinal posture.

If you have forward head posture, a hump back or both, you are at a significantly higher risk of developing heart disease.

This was proven in a study that was published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in 2004 where they followed over 1300 participants who had forward head posture and hump back for a 4 year period.

And when these participants were autopsied after death, the conclusion was ‘their posture was specifically associated with an increased rate of atherosclerosis (heart disease).’

What does this mean? It means that if you have poor posture in your neck or upper back or both, you are at a higher risk of developing heart disease.

To make sure this does not happen to you or anyone in your family, you need to have your posture checked by a chiropractor.

This is what we do.

All you need to do is give me a call. Or contact me directly by clicking on the link on our home page. Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE (5433).

Family appointments are also available.

Life Chiropractic … helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives for over 25 years in Burlington.

Click Here To Book A Free Initial Consultation With Dr. Brad

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