Chiropractic Check Up For Kids

“Why Have Chiropractic Check Ups
For Your Kids?”

chiropractic check up for kids Burlington

One question some of you have that I would like to answer today is …”why would my chiropractor want to check my children when they are not in any pain?”.

There are a few different answers to this question but in my view the most important reason a chiropractor would want to check your kids is to detect any potential health issues that can be related to spinal misalignments or subluxations.

Some examples of such issues are pinched nerves, poor immune system function, headaches, text neck, computer neck, lower back pain, spinal degenerative arthritis and crooked posture just to list a few of the more common ones.

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Often times these issues can develop into serious health problems when they could have totally been avoided with early detection and early correction.

Not all chiropractors treat children but for those that do, this is one of the most important reasons why they would want to check your children.

If you have any questions on this topic or any other health concerns you may have or your family may have, please give us a call.

Remember that consultations are always free of charge in our office and family appointments are always available.

And just a reminder as to why we encourage family appointments … because spinal problems tend to run in families.

Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE (5433) or you can email us by clicking on the link on our home page.

Life Chiropractic … helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives for over 25 years in Burlington.

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