Let’s start today’s discussion by reviewing what stress really is.
Stress is your body’s response to ANY demand placed upon it whether the demand is pleasant or not.
Positive stress allows us to accomplish difficult tasks and rise to the challenge.
But, negative stress will cause physical damage at the cellular level and impair the function of your immune system.
[flashvideo file=http://lifechiropractic.s3.amazonaws.com/05.12.2014.stress.review.bi-1.m4v image=https://lifechiropracticcentre.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/stress.review.jpg width=500 height=305 /]So, how can you tell if you or someone close to you is suffering from too much stress? Well, there will always be clues.
And these clues will either be EMOTIONAL signs, BEHAVIOURAL signs or PHYSICAL signs.
Let me clarify.
For example, common ‘emotional signs’ of too much stress would be worry, insecurity, nervousness and depression. Common ‘behavioural signs’ of too much stress would be eating disorders, sleeping disorders such as insomnia, short of temper and drug/alcohol overuse.
And common ‘physical signs’ would be headaches, grinding of the teeth, stiff muscles and joints, and lowered resistance to infections.
So, if you have determined that you or someone in your family is having health issues due to too much stress, this is the point where you need to think very carefully and understand the difference between cause and effect.
Because it is so easy to get all caught up in treating the signs and symptoms while totally ignoring why the stress is there in the first place.
More on this next time, but in the meantime if you have any questions on this topic or any other health concerns you may have or your family may have, please give us a call.
Remember that consultations are always free of charge and family appointments are always available because spinal problems tend to run in families.
Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE (5433).
Life Chiropractic … helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives in Burlington for over 25 years!
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