If you have been injured in a car accident, there are a few very important things that you need to know.
And the reason I need to make you aware of these things is to ensure that you get the care that you deserve to make sure that your physical injuries are properly addressed, and that you get any settlement monies that you are entitled to because you should never try to deal with your insurance company on your own.
[flashvideo file=http://lifechiropractic.s3.amazonaws.com/02.28.2013.car.accidents.bi2-1.mp4 image=https://lifechiropracticcentre.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/car.accident.jpg width=500 height=299 /]The first thing I strongly recommend you do is to get a chiropractic check-up as soon as you can.
It is very rare that you are involved in a car accident without injuring your spine, especially your neck.
And if you have suffered a whiplash, then a chiropractic check-up is exactly what you need because one of our specialties is to assess spinal injuries.
But please do not make this mistake… just because you may not be feeling any immediate pain or discomfort, do not assume that you’re OK.
Often times the symptoms make take days, weeks or even months to appear but we will be able to detect your injuries right away.
The next thing you need to know is that we work specifically with a personal injury lawyer from a major law firm here in the GTA who specializes in these types of cases.
Their job is to make sure that you get any settlement monies that you may be entitled to.
And, there are no up-front legal fees and they will even come and meet with you at your own home if you cannot travel due to your injuries or loss of transportation.
And finally, the support staff here at Life Chiropractic are well experienced and very proficient at dealing with insurance companies.
There is often times a lot of paper-work ( which is by design, of course ) which can discourage car accident victims from filing a claim, but we will help you get through it all with minimal stress.
So, if you have been injured in car accident, you need to call Life Chiropractic Centre right away. We will do everything we can to help you get better and to make sure that your future interests are well protected.
Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE ( 5433 ) and remember that consultations are always free of charge.
Please note: you only have 2 YEARS from your accident date to file a claim, and it is always better to file sooner than later.
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