Last time we talked about what it means to have a decaying spine.
Now, we are going to learn about what causes spinal decay and that is a subluxation.
I have mentioned and referred to subluxation many, many times in these postings and to review; a subluxation is a partial or incomplete dislocation of a spinal vertebra.
Remember that subluxations are caused by stress and the first episode of stress for most of us is usually the birth process itself.
[flashvideo file= image= width=500 height=305 /]But aside from that, whatever stress it is that causes your subluxations, they are what start the spinal decay process.
And remember the sequence of events is subluxations will alter your spinal posture which will then cause arthritis in your spinal joints and spinal discs.
This whole process can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, a poorly functioning nerve system, dis-ease in your body, overall poor health and a shortened life span for many.
These things can be devastating and that is why we strongly recommend everybody gets their spine checked for subluxations including children because the fact is subluxations and spinal problems tend to run in families.
Next time we will learn about the different phases of spinal decay and the best measures you can take for prevention.
If you have any questions or immediate concerns about your health or your family’s health, please give us a call.
Remember that consultations are always free of charge and family appointments are always available.
The phone number to call is 905 335 LIFE (5433).
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