Flu Shot Alternative

“A Flu Shot Alternative From Our Burlington Chiropractic Clinic”

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It is that time of year again when there is huge media pressure, pressure from family doctors, schools and public health nurses to get the flu shot.

If you do not like needles and/or you are not one for the flu shot, I would like to tell you what else you can do to have strong immunity this winter.

One thing you can do is to make sure you get adequate exercise because exercise is always important to keep your body saturated with fresh oxygen which helps to kill off germs and it also improves your circulation which helps to flush un-wanted germs out of your body.

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A healthy diet is also important because it is no secret that certain foods can and will deplete your immune system function.

Foods such as refined foods, processed foods and foods with a high sugar content.

For example, giving your child a lollipop when they have a runny nose and an ear infection is the worst thing that you can do because sugar actually feeds the germs that can cause a cold/flu.

The most important thing that you can do however to help prevent the flu this winter is to get regular chiropractic adjustments.

Why? … because chiropractic adjustments relieve any pressure on your spinal cord and your nerves which allows your immune system to work at or near full capacity.

There are scientific studies suggesting that people receiving chiropractic care on a regular basis have better functioning immune systems than those who do not.

This means they are healthier and they get sick less often. And how is that for good news!!

Chiropractic is totally natural and does not ambush your immune system with all kinds of toxic substances.

So, if you would like to try something different this winter, give us a call.

Our phone number is 905 335 LIFE ( 5433 ) and remember that new patient consultations are always free of charge.

Family appointments are also available so feel free to bring the whole gang. We are a family practice.

Life Chiropractic Centre – helping families just like yours build vibrant, healthy, drug-free lives!

Click Here To Book a Free Initial Consultation With Dr. Brad At The Burlington Clinic

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