The Connection Between Posture And High Blood Pressure
Hello everyone.
Dr Brad here again.
I am a Burlington, Ontario chiropractor at Life Chiropractic Centre on Guelph Line. I am also a Certified Posture Expert with the American Posture Institute.
Last time we learned how forward head posture and hump back can affect your balance and coordination.
Another important thing I want to share with you today is that forward head posture and hump back can also disturb the part of your brainstem which regulates your heart rate and your blood pressure.
In fact, researchers at the University of Leeds in the UK concluded that “ the pathway exists for bad posture to really have an effect on high blood pressure.”
And many chiropractic patients would tell you the same thing; that after having their spine realigned and their posture corrected, they had a much healthier blood pressure.
So, if you are looking for an alternative way to help manage your high blood pressure, I may be able to help you.
The first thing you would need to do is call to schedule an appointment for your free consultation which includes a free detailed posture scan and we will take it from there.
The number to call is 905 335 LIFE (5433).
Dr Brad here again.
I am a Burlington, Ontario chiropractor at Life Chiropractic Centre on Guelph Line. I am also a Certified Posture Expert with the American Posture Institute.
Last time we learned how forward head posture and hump back can affect your balance and coordination.
Another important thing I want to share with you today is that forward head posture and hump back can also disturb the part of your brainstem which regulates your heart rate and your blood pressure.
In fact, researchers at the University of Leeds in the UK concluded that “ the pathway exists for bad posture to really have an effect on high blood pressure.”
And many chiropractic patients would tell you the same thing; that after having their spine realigned and their posture corrected, they had a much healthier blood pressure.
So, if you are looking for an alternative way to help manage your high blood pressure, I may be able to help you.
The first thing you would need to do is call to schedule an appointment for your free consultation which includes a free detailed posture scan and we will take it from there.
The number to call is 905 335 LIFE (5433).
Life Chiropractic Centre is a family chiropractic and posture correction facility.